Friday, March 27, 2020

Algebra Worksheets For Children

Algebra Worksheets For ChildrenAlgebra worksheets for children are one of the most useful resources to supplement algebra learning. They are one of the necessary tools that the student needs to follow the algebraic rules and procedures. These worksheets may not be required by the teacher or the student depending on the reasons for which they are being used.Algebra worksheets for children are definitely useful and a good idea. They need to be used throughout the whole math course, regardless of whether you want to do an all-work or an all-algebra. This is because the skills acquired in the process of doing the work will transfer into the full process of learning algebraic rules. This is not necessarily a replacement for the lesson plan but it does come in handy during the time you are free from your algebraic studies.Worksheets are also very good for a child who has a particularly fast pace of learning as they allow them to develop good hand-eye coordination. They provide visual image s, learning associations and some basic math concepts. These things can be very helpful during the time when the student is still interested in studying algebraic formulas.Reading worksheets are very beneficial to the students who are trying to read for the first time. These math help worksheets will ensure that the child is getting started on the right foot with reading. They will be able to apply the principles learned in the algebraic process and read up a little bit better.Algebra worksheets for children are a very important resource for the students. It may vary depending on the reason for which they are being used. If you have a child who is struggling with their math problems, you can use the aids to get them to learn the concepts better.An example of how algebra worksheets for children are very useful is when you are learning the basics of basic calculus. This involves knowing about different types of functions and the operations and laws associated with them.The student wil l learn more about things like the principle of integration and more but the more important aspect is that he will be able to read out the results of his work to check his overall progress. That is the main purpose of using the algebraic tools. It gives the student the confidence to do the whole process of algebraic rules.

Friday, March 6, 2020

SAT Prep - Redesigned SAT Exam

SAT Prep - Redesigned SAT Exam Huntington Learning Center to Launch Test Prep Program Designed Specifically for the Redesigned SAT New Personalized Program Available This Summer to Help Students Get a Jumpstart on Exam Preparation Oradell, NJ (March 5, 2015) The SAT, perhaps the most anxiety-producing rite of passage in a high school students life, is getting a major overhaul that will radically change how students prepare. In response, Huntington Learning Center, a tutoring and test prep company that places curricular knowledge at the center of test prep, has announced that it will launch a new test prep program devoted to the redesigned SAT a change the College Board announced a year ago today. The redesigned test, which officially takes effect March 2016, will impact the nearly 2 million students who take the college entrance exam each year. The new test will place greater emphasis on college and career readiness and skills such as reasoning, data analysis and critical thinking. Its focus on evidence-based responses means that students will need to master root academic concepts and not merely employ a set of superficial strategies to beat the test. Helping students build core knowledge is critical to their success on the redesigned SAT and a strength of Huntington Learning Center. A college entrance exam is one of the most important tests that a person will take in his or her lifetime, because it impacts college admissions, scholarship dollars and future opportunities. We take that milestone very seriously, said Dr. Raymond Huntington, co-founder of Huntington Learning Center, with his wife, Eileen Huntington. We are a learning center first, which means that we are steeped in the knowledge of high school curricula, and we know what is being tested inside and out. We work with our students to ensure that on test day, they do too. Every student has the ability to learn, and we believe that learning is the most powerful form of test prep, making us ideally suited to help students adjust to the new format. Huntington undertook a multi-part process to develop its new SAT program, which will be available in its 260 centers beginning this summer. Its team of experts dissected and analyzed the new tests blueprint to uncover key changes and has created a rigorous curriculum to address them. For example, the team has developed sets of practice math problems covering topics ranging from algebra to data analytics, as well as sample nonfiction reading passages with accompanying questions. Huntington is also creating proprietary instruction to support the SATs new specifications. Students seeking test prep at Huntington receive an initial diagnostic assessment that pinpoints exactly which areas the student excels at or lags behind in down to the skill level. For example, the assessment can reveal if a student struggles with multiplying fractions or reading critically. Each student receives a 13-page analysis, which informs how his personalized, 1:1 test prep program will be designed and delivered and which foundational knowledge needs strengthening. The student is re-assessed throughout his program to determine progress. Huntington also offers supplementary digital programs including a series of instructional videos, homework assignments and practice tests that students can complete at home to reinforce their work in the Huntington center. Many of the students who come to our centers tell us that they are anxious about the SAT and feel overwhelmed by test prep options, which is even more apparent with the redesign, said Beverly Collins, Senior Vice President, Educational Support Services for Huntington Learning Center. At Huntington, we give each student a personalized roadmap that spells out exactly what they need to do, how and when. We work with them hand in hand and show them that, if they work hard, they will deepen their knowledge, boost their confidence and improve their score. Huntington decided to launch its new SAT program this summer to provide ample support for the students planning to take the redesigned PSAT, a primer for the SAT, in October and the redesigned SAT next March. The PSAT, which is primarily taken by high school sophomores and juniors, is important for students wishing to compete for recognition and scholarships through the National Merit Scholarship Program. For some students and their parents, the uncertainty of the new design may lead them to take an alternative to the SAT. Huntington also has deep expertise helping students with the ACT, another college entrance exam that is widely accepted by colleges and universities across the nation and has actually outpaced the SAT in popularity. The ACT format will not be changing, and Huntington will continue to provide test prep programs for this exam as well. Huntington Learning Center has provided SAT and ACT support to over 100,000 students since the companys inception in 1977. On average, Huntingtons test prep students increase 192 points on the SAT and 4.2 points on the ACT in just over two months. For more information about the redesigned SAT, including key dates and considerations, visit and download a free copy of Huntingtons Guide to the Understanding the Redesigned SAT. About Huntington Huntington Learning Center is a tutoring and test prep leader with certified teachers providing individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry and other sciences. Huntington preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. The skills, confidence, and motivation developed by Huntington helps students succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntingtons mission is to give every student the best education possible. Learn how Huntington can help at For franchise opportunities please visit

Inglês para crianças, saiba mais sobre isso!

Inglês para crianças, saiba mais sobre isso! Image courtesy of Jeanne Claire Maarbes / FreeDigitalPhotos.netAprender uma segunda língua é crucial, não só pelos benefícios que esse conhecimento traz na construção de uma carreira, mas também porque a formação de um indivíduo deve ser sempre o mais multifacetada possível, com ramificações em diversas áreas do saber, de forma a que a capacidade de raciocínio e a criatividade sejam estimuladas. Nesse sentido, o Inglês para crianças torna-se uma opção muito difundida entre pais que desejam que a educação de seus filhos seja mais do que apenas a construção de um currículo, sendo também alimento para o intelecto.Estudos indicam que, embora em tenra idade a criança não esteja apta para compreender regras gramaticais, todos nascemos predispostos ao desenvolvimento de diversas habilidades, entre elas a linguagem, e quanto mais cedo a criança começar a aprender uma segunda língua, maiores serão as hipóteses de o seu sotaque e o seu domínio da língua serem melhores. Porém, é de extrema importância ter em consideração alguns pontos-chave sobre como funciona o Inglês para crianças.Aprender um idioma é um investimento para a vidaVale chamar atenção para o fato de que o Inglês para crianças, por si só, não fará que a criança domine o idioma na perfeição. Por isso, aprender Inglês deve ser encarado como um investimento para a vida, dado que para que exista fluência e pleno domínio do Inglês é necessário estudar e treinar muito ao longo de muitos anos. Começar cedo garante apenas mais à vontade, maior facilidade e um melhor sotaque. Para ser bilíngue, efetivamente, será necessário ainda bastante trabalho por parte da criança.A forma de aprender varia com a idadeDa mesma maneira que para outras disciplinas como História ou Matemática a idade de quem aprende influencia tacitamente a forma como a matéria é dada, com o ensino de idiomas acontece o mesmo. Conforme a criança cresce as atividades que envolvem a língua se tornam mais complexas e o nível de conhecimento exigido também se altera. Para evitar que a criança fique frustrada, seja por não conseguir acompanhar ou por estar mais avançada, converse com ela sobre como se sente nas aulas. A frustração é um dos motivos mais comuns para que as crianças não se interessem por alguma atividade, por isso, fique de olho!O ambiente deve ser adequadoNão adianta investir em aulas de Inglês para crianças se o ambiente não for adequado, querendo isso dizer que: as crianças devem ser estimuladas a falar sobre o que aprendem. Tendo isso em consideração, um exemplo de ambiente adequado é aquele no qual alguém que tenha contato com a criança diariamente a estimule a falar em Inglês, de forma a que ela não se esqueça daquilo que aprendeu. Outro exemplo será a aposta em aulas de conversação em Inglês para crianças. Afinal de contas, se não houver treino, o investimento será completamente perdido, algo que não é bom pa ra os pais e acaba por ser ainda pior para a criança.Com que idade você começou a aprender Inglês? Como isso influenciou a sua relação com o idioma?

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving from L.A.

Happy Thanksgiving from L.A. Once again Thanksgiving is upon us. A time for relatives and friends to gather together and enjoy a huge turkey and or Ham dinner with all the trimmings and express their love and thankfulness for the bounty that lies in front of them. Giving thanks for their fruitful and abundant lives. I can’t really find anything wrong with that, except maybe the conflicting histories of Thanksgivings foundation, if you will. Oh no, is he going to get into all that horrible we slaughtered the natives and invited the survivors to dinner stuff again.   Well no. OK maybe a little, but first let’s look at what we’re doing here. We get all the family members together in one place, even the ones who are not talking to each other right now. My parents’ generation would have mom in the kitchen cooking a huge turkey while all the side dishes are heating up on the stove. She would spend all day working on this yearly feast. Maybe Aunt Mary and little Audrey were in there helping out. The guys are all sitting around the living room or den, drinking beer, watching football and arguing about who’s the best running back of all time. I like what Jim Brown said when he was asked; “Would you say you were the best running back in history?” And he said, “Well if I said any one of the great running backs that have played this game were the best, then I would be insulting the rest of the very few men that can do what we do”. Only the best would say that! This year we’re doing things differently. Moms getting pretty old and half the family is so far away we don’t know when we’ll see everyone again. So my wife had an idea. Let’s call “Marie Calendars” and order their thanksgiving dinner premade. Well, I thought this was a little cheesy. I know my wife works very hard at the office and has little time for meal planning much less baking. So I said, OK let’s do it. Even though I knew we would be the only weird pathetic family ordering a takeout turkey dinner on Thanksgiving. So, two weeks before the holiday the wife calls in the order. “What do you mean sold out?” She said into the phone. Apparently we are not the only folks thinking, who has time to cook all day any more. It seems that my generation is not the Betty Crocker generation, especially in Los Angeles! I’m sure plenty of people still spend all day preparing Thanksgiving dinners, however I suspect there are much fewer than those that came before us. Lucky for us Wholefoods still had a few openings on holiday turkey dinners so we are saved. Now the only thing left to do is to discuss the history of Thanksgiving back in the 1600’s with the pilgrims and the Indians and all that. Nah, just kidding, maybe next year. But if you would like to really know there are plenty of history tutors at! Happy Thanksgiving from L.A. Once again Thanksgiving is upon us. A time for relatives and friends to gather together and enjoy a huge turkey and or Ham dinner with all the trimmings and express their love and thankfulness for the bounty that lies in front of them. Giving thanks for their fruitful and abundant lives. I can’t really find anything wrong with that, except maybe the conflicting histories of Thanksgivings foundation, if you will. Oh no, is he going to get into all that horrible we slaughtered the natives and invited the survivors to dinner stuff again.   Well no. OK maybe a little, but first let’s look at what we’re doing here. We get all the family members together in one place, even the ones who are not talking to each other right now. My parents’ generation would have mom in the kitchen cooking a huge turkey while all the side dishes are heating up on the stove. She would spend all day working on this yearly feast. Maybe Aunt Mary and little Audrey were in there helping out. The guys are all sitting around the living room or den, drinking beer, watching football and arguing about who’s the best running back of all time. I like what Jim Brown said when he was asked; “Would you say you were the best running back in history?” And he said, “Well if I said any one of the great running backs that have played this game were the best, then I would be insulting the rest of the very few men that can do what we do”. Only the best would say that! This year we’re doing things differently. Moms getting pretty old and half the family is so far away we don’t know when we’ll see everyone again. So my wife had an idea. Let’s call “Marie Calendars” and order their thanksgiving dinner premade. Well, I thought this was a little cheesy. I know my wife works very hard at the office and has little time for meal planning much less baking. So I said, OK let’s do it. Even though I knew we would be the only weird pathetic family ordering a takeout turkey dinner on Thanksgiving. So, two weeks before the holiday the wife calls in the order. “What do you mean sold out?” She said into the phone. Apparently we are not the only folks thinking, who has time to cook all day any more. It seems that my generation is not the Betty Crocker generation, especially in Los Angeles! I’m sure plenty of people still spend all day preparing Thanksgiving dinners, however I suspect there are much fewer than those that came before us. Lucky for us Wholefoods still had a few openings on holiday turkey dinners so we are saved. Now the only thing left to do is to discuss the history of Thanksgiving back in the 1600’s with the pilgrims and the Indians and all that. Nah, just kidding, maybe next year. But if you would like to really know there are plenty of history tutors at!

Lock Your Windows, Lock Your Doors, Cause Everyones Getting Cancer

Lock Your Windows, Lock Your Doors, Cause Everyones Getting Cancer Via Bay residents were ordered to stay inside their homes to escape the air that could potentially expose them to carcinogens and chemicals that would be responsible for cancer.  People grabbed their keys, locked their doors, or headed out of town to escape the contaminated prison that is their home.  In the middle of their evenings the Bay Area was forced to halt their after school programs, dinner routines, sports practices, and many other activities to hide out from the consequences of dirty energy. Unfortunately the Bay Area residents are not the only people to be affected by refinery explosions near their homes.  The Bay did not experience any fatalities but in 2010 the Tesoro Corp. refinery in Anacortes, Washington three men died at the scene as well as two women workers and two men employees.  March 23, 2005, in the South’s BP’s Texas City Refinery, the explosion killed fifteen workers and injured 170 others. Refinery explosions appear to have made their mark on our Nation’s past and its crude oil continues to seep into our future.  With cancer rates at an all- time high and polluted air warnings following not so casual explosions, why is clean energy not on every American’s priority list? As a resident of Northern California, this summer I felt urgency and necessity for energy alternatives.  Coal has to become a part of our past along with the deaths it has caused, and clean energy must step into our future providing safety, comfort, and promise for our nation, like a home is supposed to.

Irvine Tutor 5 Awesome Online Academic Tools to Use This Fall

Irvine Tutor 5 Awesome Online Academic Tools to Use This Fall Irvine Private Tutor Tips: 5 Awesome Online Academic Tools to Use This Fall There are so many great online tools students can use these days to help them adjust to going back to school. There are so many, in fact, that it can be difficult for parents and students to figure out which ones are helpful and which are just a waste of time. Its important to look for online tools that can help students stay organized and focused on their assignments without providing a distraction. Online tools should make life easier, not more complicated, and are useful if they can be used when a student is studying solo or in a group session. Online tools and include apps, websites, and communication tools that help a student complete assignments and study for exams. 1. Skype Skype is a fabulous online tool, especially for college students. Although Skype was not originally intended for education purposes, its a great way for students living in a dorm to keep in touch with their tutor or study group. Students can communicate with their high school tutor or work with a new tutor online to help them get organized and started in their new classes. Even if the tutor lives a few minutes from campus, the student might want a late-night emergency session or want to work in unusual increments of time while adjusting to their new schedule of classes. Also, if a college student had a fantastic study group while they were in high school, they might be able to keep in touch with academic superstars who are now studying at other schools. With todays technology, theres no reason students should limit themselves to what’s available on campus (READ: How to Handle Stress the First Months of High School). 2. Quizlet Quizlet and similar websites make creating flashcards and studying vocabulary terms much easier than it used to be. Whether a student is in the sixth grade or graduate school, Quizlet can be incredibly helpful when it comes to organization. Students can keep terms from earlier in the semester in a convenient online format, so they have everything pre-organized when it comes to studying for midterms and final exams. Additionally, students can easily share their Quizlet study set with other people in their class or study group. 3. Online Calculators Online calculators and calculator apps are pretty amazing these days. Students can access anything from a four function calculator to an advanced graphing calculator right at their fingertips. They wont have to worry about forgetting their graphing calculator at home or spending over $100 to get a handheld one. Although students will likely not be able to use an app on their cell phone during a quiz or exam, theres no reason why they cant use this technology to complete homework assignments. The quality of online calculators can vary so its a good idea to check them out early on in the term. 4. Grammarly Online Grammar Checker Online grammar checkers such as Grammarly can help students identify common errors as well as provide an explanation for why its wrong. This can help students who need to get their paper edited and hand it in ASAP, but it can also help students improve their writing over time. Because explanations are provided, students will be able to identify errors they make on a regular basis and improve their writing or identify what they need help with. The confidence that comes with being able to communicate effectively in the written word is invaluable from kindergarten through college (READ: 5 Resources to Organize as a High School Freshman). 5. Your Schools Online Communication Forum The most valuable, but often overlooked online tool is your school’s online communication system. Each school has a different name sometimes called Blackboard or MySite. This is an opportunity for students and parents to get in touch with the teacher and ask questions about assignment and grades. A student who keeps track of their grades will quickly learn which skills they already mastered and which ones they need to work on. Also, when students learn that grades are slipping, early on they have a chance to work with the teacher or a tutor and make an improvement before things get too out of hand. The beginning of the school year is arguably the most important time of the year when it comes to grades. Students who fall behind rarely catch up before the end of the semester. Start the year off strong with the help of private Irvine academic tutoring from TutorNerds. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Clutch Tutoring Service

Clutch Tutoring ServiceClutch tutoring is a service where teachers help their students through reading comprehension. It is also referred to as immediate, or one-on-one tutoring. Teachers can assist their students through specific reading exercises, one-on-one tutoring, and collaborative tutoring. Students will not need to wait for a classroom instruction for tutoring.This is the perfect way for students who are only taking the first semester of high school or who are returning after an absence. In such cases, a teacher will be assigned to one student and they will continue with the instruction. In some cases, the students need a tutor so that their teachers are able to concentrate on the instruction without worrying about the classwork.Students who want to know more about this tutoring service can consult a guide or sign up for a catalog to learn more about it. Clutch tutoring can be very beneficial in the first semester of high school because the teachers will be able to focus more on the instruction.Students can avail of a few advantages of this service when they sign up for a tutoring program. First, they will save time because they will not have to take the class. This will reduce their workload since they will not need to wait for classroom instruction.Clutch tutoring is beneficial for students who find themselves unable to study because of busy schedules. Some students will find that they can manage the class work but they still lack the skill to understand what they are being taught. This is the perfect opportunity for them to increase their chances of getting better grades, so they should consider this service very seriously.Students can sign up for this service, even if they do not have the skills to excel in class. Teachers will still work with their students to help them improve their reading skills. This is a great advantage that enables them to save time and make more time for teaching their students.Students who sign up for this service will also find it easy to move from one grade to another. As long as the student wants to, they can change grades. Clutch tutoring will be more helpful to students who love school and want to improve their grades and that is why teachers sign up for this service.